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Home/school communication tool

What is ClassDojo?

ClassDojo is one of the main methods of communication between home and school and has replaced home/school books.  This video will give you a brief overview of ClassDojo.

Accessing ClassDojo

The easiest way to access ClassDojo is through the app.  

Link to the Dojo app in the Apple app store: 

Link to the Dojo app in Google Play store: 

Alternatively, you can use the ClassDojo website:   


How to sign up to ClassDojo

Click here for how to guide for signing up to ClassDojo and what to do if you already have an account via the app.

Click here for how to guide for signing up to ClassDojo and what to do if you already have an account via the website.


Using ClassDojo portfolios

A ClassDojo portfolio is an area where a pupil's work can be shared with parents/carers and teachers.  Only the pupil and staff in the pupil's class can see anything in a pupil's portfolio.  Once a pupil's portfolio item has been approved by staff, it will be visible to the pupil's parents/carers.  Photos and videos can be uploaded to a portfolio by staff or pupils and during lockdown, some classes are assigning home learning tasks via portfolios.

There are some small differences between the way the portfolios work in the app and and on the website so there are separate guides for each. 

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You have the right to say what you think should happen and be listened to

You have the right to be the best you can be

You have the right to be looked after and kept safe

You have the right to go to school and learn

You have the right to food and water, and to be healthy