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About Us/Amdanom Ni

Ysgol Pen-y-Bryn is a local authority maintained special school in Swansea. We are situated on two sites, our Primary and Secondary Campus in Clase and our Post 16 Campus in Penlan.

The school currently provides for 164 pupils aged between 3 and 19 years. Our pupils have a wide range of severe, complex and specific additional learning needs, including Autism and communication difficulties.

Our curriculum shares the four purposes of the Curriculum for Wales and promotes our CARES core values and Thrive philosophy. At Ysgol Pen-y-Bryn every pupil is valued as an individual and receives a bespoke set of learning experiences to advance their unique individual education plan. Learning opportunities and experiences are exciting, appropriate and wherever possible related to real life context to enable our pupils to develop valuable life skills and reach their potential.

We pride ourselves on the high standards of achievement and excellent behaviour of our pupils. Our pupils are supported by a high level of staff to pupil ratio, a unique and relevant staffing structure, and a highly trained team of specialist staff who are well versed and experienced in all aspects of additional learning needs provision. We
provide targeted interventions and specific support, across the curriculum for pupils’ academic, personal, health and wellbeing development. We have a residential unit that enables us to provide 24 hour curriculum learning opportunities for our older pupils to develop independent living skills.

Community is at the heart of our core values and is central to the ethos of life at Pen-y-Bryn. We work with over a hundred external partners and we actively encourage our parents, pupils, governors, partners and community, internally, locally, regionally,nationally and internationally to collaborate to enable the best possible learning experiences for our wonderful pupils.

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You have the right to say what you think should happen and be listened to

You have the right to be the best you can be

You have the right to be looked after and kept safe

You have the right to go to school and learn

You have the right to food and water, and to be healthy