Ysgol Pen-y-Bryn is a maintained City and County of Swansea, local authority special school. The school is situated on two sites, the Primary and Secondary Campus in Clase (Morriston) and the Post 16 Campus in Penlan.
We have planned place, provision for 195 pupils and there are currently 178 pupils on roll aged between 4 and 19 years of age. 125 (71.3%) are male and 53 (28.7%) are female. There are 157 pupils (88%) in secondary, 61 (34.3%) of whom are in the sixth form. 68, 11-16 pupils (70.8%) are male and 28 (29.2%) are female. 43 post 16 pupils (70.5%) are male and 18 (29.5%) are female. There are 21 pupils in foundation/primary, of these 16 (76.2%) are male and 5 (23.8%) are female. There are 71 pupils in the school (40.6%), who are eligible for, free school meals (e-fsm).
Pupils come from all areas of the City and County of Swansea. We have eleven discrete classes for pupils aged from 3 to 19 years of age who have severe and complex autistic spectrum condition and ten classes for pupils aged from 11 to 19 years with severe learning difficulties.
We provide 24-hour curriculum residential provision for targeted pupils aged from 14 to 19 years, as part of its offer. All pupils are transported to school. The local authority provides transport for nearly all pupils and some parents bring pupils to school independently. Our pupils come from a range of backgrounds. All pupils currently have a statement of special educational needs that is subject to annual review. Pupils in the transitional year groups will move from statements to Individual Development Plans (IDPs) by August 2023 and All pupils will transfer from statements to IDPs by September 2024.
All of our pupils have additional learning needs, which include physical, sensory, medical, emotional and behavioural difficulties. English is the predominant language of nearly all pupils. No pupils speak Welsh as their first language at home. Twenty-eight pupils (15.7%), are from minority ethnic backgrounds and for 16 pupils (9.1%), English is an additional language. Five pupils (2.9%) are ‘looked-after children’ (LAC) by local authorities and seventy-one pupils (40.6%) are entitled to free school meals.
We have a clear vision to be a caring, thriving, community in which everyone is a learner and all learners exceed the expectations that society holds for them. This is underpinned by a well understood set of shared core values (Pen y Bryn CARES) of community, ambition, respect, excitement and safety.
Here are our core groups for Llais Friday.
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