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Term Dates



Bank Holidays

29 March 2024 - Good Friday

1 April 2024 - Easter Monday

6 May 2024 - May Day

27 May 2024 - Spring Bank Holiday

Please note that this calendar is subject to any changes that may arise as a result of Welsh Government issuing a direction on term dates.

Swansea Council does not accept any liability for any losses incurred in respect of altered holiday arrangements following changes to the timetable in any direction issued by the Welsh Government.


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Dates for your diary

Dates for your diary of upcoming events

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You have the right to say what you think should happen and be listened to

You have the right to be the best you can be

You have the right to be looked after and kept safe

You have the right to go to school and learn

You have the right to food and water, and to be healthy