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Croseo i'r Dosbarth Pobbles

Dosbarth Pobbles is a KS2 class with 6 pupils. 

This term we will be looking at the Swansea Peninsula as part of our Heritage Project, visiting different beaches and linking with other classes to complete a project. 

We will continue working on building relationships through the term supporting our CARES vision. Our work sessions will build on PPTs and IDP outcomes. 

Our class routines include Skills sessions where we work on fundamental skills needed for learning and aim to transfer these skills to other areas of the curriculum. These sessions include Requesting, Art Skills, Attention All, Science Experiments, Cookery, Reflection, Touch Trust and Music.

Every Friday we really enjoy exploring the community and visiting different parks and supermarkets to develop our learning in authentic contexts. We are a very active class and participate in P.E every Thursday and have rebound/swimming sessions on a Wednesday. 

 Need to know information:

Tuesday- Cookery (please return cookery pots)

Wednesday - Swimming/ Rebound therapy

Thursday- P.E (please send in/wear suitable clothing for activity) 

 Friday- Celebration assembly 'Star of the Week'

Trip to local park or supermarket 


Please look at our photos on our class dojo to see our daily activities.

Class team

Miss C Rees 

Mr R Morris

Miss M Sanger

Miss M  Matthews

You have the right to say what you think should happen and be listened to

You have the right to be the best you can be

You have the right to be looked after and kept safe

You have the right to go to school and learn

You have the right to food and water, and to be healthy