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Croseo i'r Dosbarth LLangennith / Welcome to Dosbarth LLangennith

We have 7 pupils within the class and our classroom is based within Upper School on the Clase Site. 

Our topic for Summer Term is 'Happy and Healthy', we will have a sub-focus of 'movement'. We will look at developing our gross and fine motor skills and being in control of our movements and body. We will pay attention to our feelings and what makes us happy as well as our body healthy.

We will cover this topic through activities such as Art, Cookery, Music, Science, Curiosity Play, Llais Groups and PE. 

We will continue working on our communication, literacy and numeracy and have individualised skills sessions working on our target outcomes. 

On Tuesday afternoon, we have P.E with Mr Weaver. On Wednesday morning we will have Swimming in Pontardawe Swimming Pool. On Thursday morning we will visit parks in our locality and visit supermarkets to develop essential life skills

Our star of the week assembly takes place on Friday morning.

Daily communication will be via the DOJO app but please feel free to call the school and speak to class staff. 

Our class teacher is Miss Reardon and pupils will be supported by Mrs B. Thomas and Mrs B. Morris. 

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Dates for your diary

Dates for your diary of upcoming events

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You have the right to say what you think should happen and be listened to

You have the right to be the best you can be

You have the right to be looked after and kept safe

You have the right to go to school and learn

You have the right to food and water, and to be healthy