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Welcome to Dosbarth Caswell.


Our topic this term is HEALTHY HAPPY and sixth form are looking at WHOLE and PROCESSED FOODS.


We are looking into Healthy Diets and making good choices and creating a healthy plate. We will research the Food chain and life cycle and hopefully aim to go and experience animals in their own habitat, their food and help feed them. We will research local farms and how they distribute their produce, what they make and the process.

We have sensory sessions experimenting with tactile and smell activities. We will explore whole and processed foods, make comparisons and differences  like taste, texture, packaging etc.  

We will also be completing our Agored Cymru accreditation work on Life skills, a Healthy Lifestyle, Personal Care and Hygiene, and Preparing cold drinks and snacks.





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Dates for your diary

Dates for your diary of upcoming events

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You have the right to say what you think should happen and be listened to

You have the right to be the best you can be

You have the right to be looked after and kept safe

You have the right to go to school and learn

You have the right to food and water, and to be healthy