Dosbarth Mumbles
During the first part of the Autumn Term, we are going to be focusing on our school values CARES. This stands for Community, Ambition, Respect, Excitement and Safety. As a result, we will be working on developing positive relationships and classroom routines.
During the second half of our term, we will be focusing on our AGORED modules, working towards accreditation. We will be exploring our KS4 Independent Life Skills curriculum throughout, for example learning how to use signs within the community to keep safe when going for a walk.
Throughout the term, we will be working on our new Pupil Progress Targets (PPTs), working towards our Individual Development Plans (IDPs).
Pupils will take part in a Rebound and PE session every Monday so please ensure that they are wearing comfortable trousers.
We aim to post on our class story on Class Dojo every day so you will be able to see what your child has been doing. Please remember that you can use the messages part of Dojo to get in touch with us at any time. Let us know about things your child has done at home, any achievements out of school, any difficulties they may be having or any appointments.
Thank you for all your support.