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Dosbarth Three Cliffs

This term's topic is happy and healthy with Key Stage 3's focus being inside out.  We will be thinking linking with the film Inside out, with the new film being released in June, taking the opportunity to think about our emotions, to be able to name them and develop strategies for responding to different feelings.  We will also be thinking about being physically outside, exploring different environments with some off-site visits and making the most of our school grounds. 

We will be having PE on Wednesdays.  Please send in a PE kit (e.g. t-shirt, shorts or joggers and also trainers if your child wears shoes to school) for your child each week.  We consider the opportunity for pupils to practice the life skill of dressing themselves, with support where needed, an important part of the lesson.

We will cook each Thursday.  We aim to give pupils opportunity to become familiar with and try a variety of different foods as well as developing life skills.  We ask for a £1 donation towards the cost of ingredients each week which can be sent in weekly or half termly - whatever suits you best.

We will be going swimming at Pontardawe on Friday mornings throughout this term.  Please send your child's swimming kit and shower gel as we take the opportunity to work on personal care skills while we are there.

We aim to post on our class story on Classdojo each day so you will be able to see what your child has been doing.  Please remember you can use the messages part of Dojo to get in touch with us at any time.  Let us know about things your child has done at home, any achievements out of school, any difficulties they may be having or any appointments.

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Dates for your diary

Dates for your diary of upcoming events

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You have the right to say what you think should happen and be listened to

You have the right to be the best you can be

You have the right to be looked after and kept safe

You have the right to go to school and learn

You have the right to food and water, and to be healthy