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What is THRIVE?

What is Thrive?

Thrive is an approach to supporting the emotional development of our pupils. Thrive helps us to better understand the needs being signaled by their behaviour, and gives us targeted strategies and activities to help them better engage with learning. Thrive also comes with an online tool to assess and collate data on how our pupils are progressing in terms of their emotional development.

Thrive at Pen-y-Bryn


Currently there are 4 licensed Thrive practitioners who can deliver individual Thrive sessions at our school.


All pupils are assessed in class groups. Each class has a Thrive action plan with strategies and activities to use every day.


Some pupils receive individual Thrive sessions with the licensed practitioners.


Thrive is linked to our school mission statement and values. We use the VRF’s and PACE ways of being with children, which allows us to build positive relationships with them. Thrive is a balance between structure and nurture.


Thrive breakfast helps us to settle the pupils and ensure they are ready for learning.

You have the right to say what you think should happen and be listened to

You have the right to be the best you can be

You have the right to be looked after and kept safe

You have the right to go to school and learn

You have the right to food and water, and to be healthy